Profiles - Classic Connections Tab

Select users can search for Classic (STD, ENT) files and templates and overlay information from Classic to a Select order. To complete overlays, the user will need to establish one or more database connections to SoftPro Classic. As soon as a connection string has been added from within SPAdmin, the option to search .PFD/PFT files will appear from within the Order Search dialog.

A connection can be configured by visiting the new Classic Connections tab: SPAdmin > Security > Profiles > [Selected Profile] > Classic Connections. Searching will be performed against all databases connections configured here, allowing the user to search/overlay against multiple PFD/PFT data sources.

Adding/formatting a connection string

The format of a typical connection string for a SQL server database would be as follows:

The Server and Database sections of the connection string can vary depending on how the database is configured. For example, if the server name is ‘ENTServer’ and the database name is ‘Proform’, the connection string would be:

The connection string for a STD database using SQL Server would be similar to that of the ENT connection string as described above.

Note: The network path should be on the same domain as the machine where Select is installed and the Select server mid-tier account and the local account must have shared network access to the particular folder for the connection to work.